1. Overheard
This culture exists now only in the Saint and Ear form.
Look at my own island — it's become an organizational club.
I'm allowed to be only as I fit the icon
of an ego-made and tribalized religion.
I'm imprisoned here, for the purposes of the cult.
This is a business now, and you must see it.
I'm talking about this because it’s incarnating now,
right before my eyes, in my own lifetime.
And you'll continue in this foolishness
even after I'm physically gone
because you're enacting it right now
while I am standing here.
So this is my "post-lifetime" in this culture.
You’re making my culture the exact replica
of what's already out there
in the likeness of your endless church institutions,
or in the image of common human institutions altogether.
The truth?
Nobody at all even listens
to Me
— Overheard Speech before Raymond Darling’s Departure from the Asylum
2. Epitaph
His exit went well, so we’re told.
A completion, a perfection.
And this may be so. Or Is.
So celebrate perfection if you’re inclined,
but it may be worth remembering that
“I’m OK” is the heartless mood,
the Teflon of religious peoples,
the all-deflecting hand mirror
that makes our faces look fine
to one another, if not to Him.
And Evelyn’s joy rises not from wound,
but from triumph over death:
“Praise Him! He Is here!”
is the first declaration of the killers,
which is why it is exclaimed and not whispered.
After the death of God
all tribes find their native place.
We all believe we have it.
We too say we’re the chosen.
We too have a final word,
and we too make a universe of hierarchy
armed with powers and principalities
by which we slice and package reality
with the ease of a whistling butcher.
As if hearing and seeing
were hardly more than what we’d always,
into life, hoped true.
Raymond's True Heart-Secret must be understood — by loving him! Indeed, by truly loving him! To truly love him, Is the Way to his True Heart! And true love Is the Way of his True Heart! But, the Saint-and-Ear religion is a “business” — not a Way!
The kiss-the-client Raymond-religion of Evelyn Disk is a seek-forever work of the little, struggling hearts of ego-“I”. The religious life of Saint-and-Ear is a Mummery, of egoic ignorance — that never knows What Is, but always thinks It can be known! Their striving-path of self-indulgent seeking is a merely social enterprise — an egocentric industry of merely-human hands. It is the True religion! Yes! But, made to be un-True! It is the True religion — falsified by the ego-mind of nature’s “Everyman”.
The ego-“I” takes Truth in hand, and makes It die, there — as a Captive Thing! And, by that ever-tightening grasp of talking-mind’s own hand, the Truth becomes, not the Living Light of Is — but the Captive Slave! The Divine Slave — purchased by the mongering ego-“I”! The Imprisoned Slave — forever confined, to do all that is required by Everyman!
Raymond, in his Way of doing love, says every man and woman must, by an ego-transcending life of mindless love, be the servant — not the keeper — of the Real. And Truth, Itself, must be, by every hand, set Free to Be — before any man or woman can, by cash-free gifts of service, be set Free from all the wage-earner’s bondage of Everyman’s bonding, here.
— The Mummery Book, Adi Da Samraj
4. Lyric
my future is my present is my past
observe my novel deeds to see my face
i move at such accelerated pace
my intentions are so mercilessly vast
that no one saw the sleeve within my ace