The white-hot history of felt emotion.
The arctic history of divorce from human sympathy.
The everyone history of betrayal.
The royal history of cannabis.
The humdrum history of erotic encounter.
The chortling history of the skeleton closet.
The bullshit history of bullshit-shoveling media.
The lesson-giving history of less than human culture.
The lifeboat history of true humor.
The narrow-minding history of exclusion.
The unspeakable history of divine-human intimacy.
The cyclone history of God's own ecstasy.
The solar-flared history of literary genius.
The moonlit history of failed prophecies.
The skyscraping history of monumental art.
The draw-a-blank history of murder by neglect.
The unsung history of bona fide devotion.
The right now history of total metamorphosis.
The undying history of imperishable love.
We need to integrate our histories rather than deny them. When we do this, we become whole and compelling again. Before that, we're like mannequins who wonder why, at the end of so long a day, we failed to make the connection.
Be not afraid
of mistakes
and thus make them crimes.
— Confucious (c. 551 - c. 479 BC)